Sunday, January 10, 2021

Stand in the light and tell me WHO you are...

I learned that command long ago. It has served me well. There is much going on these days and knowing you have a sovereignity that needs to KNOW NO is the key to our future here. Be still, stand in the light, feel the love, let go of the losses. Clean and fresh each day, go about your world offering joy and help and empathy. IF, and I mean every time you feel IFFY, quietly look it in the eye's/I's you are trying to understand and say STAND IN THE LIGHT AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE. Do that 3 times, benevolent energy will make know to you it's identity and purpose, any other life form will simply disappear from your field. YOU are LIGHT all onto your self and to this world, make it BRIGHT, make it RIGHT and be the best who YOU CAME TO BE NOW. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Namaste'

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