Thursday, January 7, 2021

Are you IN the way or ON the way

Raised with WORDS, I love the ways they show us - us. Creation is a word based reality. Love is the energy that creates beauty and grace and abundance. Hate creates as well. How you form words, when you use them, and what you intend, all come forth in your speech. WAY is a word that offers direction. There are four on this planet. Four ways to go, North, South, East or West. Spring, summer, Fall or Winter are 4 ways the world presents herself. You too/two - have four ways you manifest. One is mother's DNA, two is father's DNA, three is the blending of those strands, and fourth is the overlighting you put on the energy from the source of your connection. It is like frosting on the cake of YOU. Many ingrediants offer unique features, spice or sugar, bold or subtle, colorful or drab, each feature is a contributor to the WAY it goes and turns out. Are in IN the way? OR are you ON the way? Staying on top and maintaining an overview, without malice or judgment is one part of being ON the way. Feeling pushed around by the ways here, is about being in the way. Today analyze the ways of YOU. Decide on the love ways that you flourish with. Discuss them, share them with the world, you all have features to feature. For now I am on the way to UNITY

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