Sunday, October 11, 2020

WHO? now more HOW needed

Who we are is helpful. It took me a long time to find the details of my WHO. That answered a lot of my questions. Then I knew for sure what the HOW would look like. Health, happiness and horses made the most sense. So I built a barn and shared therapeutic bareback horsemanship with others. Today, look at your HOW. How do you feel, how do you look, how do others see you and how to do expect what you are and do, to come back to you every time with grace. You are your HOW. If it needs adjusting, upgrade your program. I fell hard off my horse yesterday, the ground and my head clapped as they collided like thunder. I knew I was being adjusted and lept to my feet, got a shot of rescue remedy and went to bed early, so that it could do what it was meant to. I woke this morning, stiff and strong and STRAIGTENED out. A clay bath and some sunshine, friends and fun, that should offer the gift of being HOW I am supposed to be SIOUX. Allow the world to support the HOW you love. I love me, and this too was an upgrade. YOU love you, and we will upgrade the whole thing!

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