Sunday, October 25, 2020

lesson of the day the return to SWEET! people need sweetness in their life to thrive

di·a·be·tes /ˌdīəˈbēdēz/ noun 1. a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood and urine. So, here are some things to remind yourself if you would like to heal from either type of diabetes, remembering that you must EXPECT IT, DESIRE IT, AND BELIEVE THAT IT WILL HAPPEN. If you have limiting beliefs in any of these three topics, you will not achieve your goal. But, if you really expect to heal, you desire it greatly, and then also believe that it will happen (as it has for so many of BOTH types) then it will–as long as you don’t offer a lot of resistance around healing. “I am happy with where I am at, and I am choosing healthier thoughts and feelings every day. I am on a really interesting journey, learning about myself, my body, and how my thoughts and feelings create my physical reality. I know that I am connected to my higher power, and I can easily access the most loving and appreciative thoughts. I continue to grow each day into the person I wish to be…” “Every day, I love finding lots of things I appreciate and love about myself, and I’m going to spend some time just thinking about those things now…(do this on your own but keep it general)…I love how I’ve overcome lots of obstacles only to find success, I appreciate how good I feel outside and in nature. I so enjoy looking at the trees and flowers, and seeing animals. They always make me feel so good. I love the smell of the ocean, the smell of forests, the feeling of sitting under a tree on a warm day, and the crisp autumn air. I love knowing that my appreciation helps me feel good, but also helps anyone who notices it as well.” “I know that my current physical conditions (whatever they may be) are temporary, and that feeling better and thinking better comes easily to me. My life force is strong, and flows easily, just like breathing air, in and out. Just like drinking pure water, I am filled with the divine presence, I know the feeling of the divine because whenever I feel appreciative, I am on the highest vibration, the one of love. The more I love and appreciate myself and others, I am there! I am ready to allow more good into my life. I am ready to consistently and happily allow fun, freedom, and joy into my experience.”

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