Thursday, October 15, 2020

Let's make a deal

Who holds the cards? Every human gets a deck when they grow up. As a child the parents and others in authority hold the cards. It can be wonderful or it can be devastating. Kids need good honest dealers! Dealers who show the way with light, love, laughter and accountabilty. Adults are fully in charge of their deck by the age of 27, unless they are handicapped in some way. Those who are need help, those who choose the handicap of remaining a child, need to be let of the hook until they decide they can handle their own dealings. It is not for us to say, you are acting childlishly. It is for us to walk on and let them figure it out with the help of the stars. I see self-sabotage in the practice of health and wellness. It is very prevalent. Allowing someone to rule your world, and then blaming them for your decisions, is a deep lesson. Adults partner in a community of equality, that sets up the peace and freedom agenda with trust and confidence. We are all star beings in our inner being. Even if your flame has flickered, or even diminshed you are alive because of that light. If you are still alive, you still have choices to make. I will not worry about you. YOU are capable, you have been dealt your hand. Be quiet, listen to your heart, then the heart of the Universe will show you the lighted way. It has served me well, and will serve those who listen and are accountable to what they hear/here. YOU have been dealt a winning hand, play your cards with confidence and pride and the joy of the game. I will see you at the big table when you get here. Namaste, Dr. Sioux

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