Friday, January 4, 2019

Stand in the LIGHT and tell me who you are...

Those are my famous last words. People show up and I see their aura. I see light, dark and colors too. It is simple when it has been your view here all along. I know we are carriers of giant light packages. I also see when a tentacle of dark light sneaks in when someone has been traumatized. It can be abuse, verbal or physical, it can be loss, or injury. Anything that causes the human to lose their self confidence. Rejection is another common reason for sucking in dark attitudes. Then when they are disturbed they respond. You can see it in illness, hear it in violent or abusive language. I have watched it hit someone, or steal something. It is an unwanted guest, until the human host aligns to it. Then it becomes a part of the family within. Then the game is really on. I say this, STAND IN THE LIGHT AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE AND WHERE AND WHEN THIS COMMUNION HAPPENED. That truth really bugs it. It will spit, spat, and sputter. It is asking for acknowledgment and to be raised UP to the next level of light on it's ascension path. Embrace the light and it will bring you safely where you need to be. USE your words, and speak the truth, you are loved. All dark fields are disappearing from Earth now, and we must say farewell. Period. End of game. And that is always good enough. Love is all there is, and our world is loved!

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