Saturday, January 12, 2019

demented, in cemented thoughts, words and deeds

Like the river the spirit needs to flow, to roll along easily and cascade over rocks and falls. You are designed that way too. Ever clearing your cells with the motion of life and light and laughter. A bubbling brook of energy! When you stay stuck you become stinky and toxic. I see it with beliefs systems old and outdated. Repeated over and over by those who fear change. I see it with relationships, jobs, hobbies, and habits. I hear words repeated over and over by those who believe in less, or loss, or who think that somehow we need the opinion, critical or not, of their experience to cement over our light. I have been called a lot of names, witch doctor and voodoo queen, wounded tuna and worse. Believe it or not, you know no, so use it. I do too and will continue to say it to those who insist on cementing their demented mean spirited foolishness in this world. WORDS are us, use them wisely. It is you and only you, that cements this film of rigidity and it's toxicity to YOU. Your life, your health, your work here, your longevity and it's glowing field are your responsibility. Expanding with breath, yoga, reading or moving about, are just a few ways you can crack the façade. It will leave you in the pink again. That pink color is the back of your heart chakra, and it is as valuable as it gets. See the pink of a heart, share it with another. Let the cement that holds you never changing, be released to the light, MELTING in the choices of love. YOU got the power, use it now. Meditate on pink, on love, on support and self first, in alignment and allowance of relief and release. A film of darkness is letting go here, and the more who want it and call in the light, the better. Namaste!!!!

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