Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Me and my alcoholics

As I stood in my dream I saw me and my first alcoholic. His name was Uncle Lester. He was wasted and on his knees. He was begging for a shot from my Grandfather, and I, being about 2, was terrified. My Grandfather, said NO! and Uncle Lester went away. Then I met him again and his name was Su. I was pulled over DUI and had the most wonderful adventure in jail. With the truth of how alcohol and I were, and what our potential could be, I embraced the experience. Turns out I was not willing to pay that price and never went that way again. That was 30 years ago. I still must have needed more data as I recently met my next alcoholic and his name was Michael. I agreed to be a couple with him, but before that could get anywhere, he killed himself and that was the end of that. My final alcoholic Scott came at that time and showed me the alcoholic I had yet to know. The one of envy, the poor me guy. The one that truly sees all the value as belonging to everyone but himself. He said, I am not worth the gamble, and he decided to run again. Jail was at the end of that escape. Silence followed. My alcoholics had spoken.

 Alcohol is a miracle, it is the fuel that sparks the fire then quickly illuminates the world around you. It makes your flame really bright and you feel real warm, for a quick second. After that light flashes the human then must take an assessment and move in the direction chosen.  The light of communion is lit. A feeling of community is the first flash. If not understood and embraced for the gift that if offers, they will endeavor to flash that light again and again and again until the battery goes out. Alcohol without food, is sure death, from dehydration and kidney failure. It stops the heart and the flame goes out. It is something truly amazing and I honor my alcoholics for showing me these truths. I will use the lessons well, thank you for sharing my life and showing me the alcoholic in me, and encouraging me to a different end. I love you all, namaste'.

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