Monday, April 20, 2015

Heart Opener - buried treasures

Purging the past is a heart opener. Burning the old photos and letters that hold that space away from the present will clear the way for a new brighter and lighter life here. I know many of us are now on the brink of a new reality and releasing those old losses and hurts will only serve us to our highest potential. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned, which I am not inclined to do very often. I would rather ride or play. I found stuff from long ago, I know that burning it in the fire was the way to a lighter experience. The burden that I had felt  and  the space it took up in my life was too big, just way too heavy and big. So I am really glad I found that old junk and cleared it out. Think about it,  dig deep, let the hidden pictures and feelings show themselves now. I scheduled a healing session for today in honor of that fire!!! Now that's how we do it!! Free and clear and ready for a sweet new way and day!!

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