Monday, July 22, 2024

Who is doing YOUR work?

Are you? What is the answer to the question, what is the question not asked? Is it because someone for a fee will do the work for you. DAY CARE???? Therapy???? Groceries???? Parenting???? Good neighboring??? Leading???? Cleaning???? Details???? Accountability???? WHO led you to that conclusion, that someone else would do the work, do YOUR work?? History. Herstory. When I had kids I did the work of raising them myself. No one else did that, the others all went to a job for money and let or hired someone else. I know that being a mother is a job, high paying, and super fulfilling. WHY then do we not embrace the work? It is work, it is play, it is growth, it is loss. It is also the most important job on the planet!! Parenting is a privilege. PERIOD! If you think for one moment that not doing your own work is OK, then good luck with the lifetimes of being human teaching you that only you are accountable for you!! SOULS in charge of their own destiny. YUP! The Source of all Creation did not make mistakes. Everything and everyone is love, and it is an inside job. The work is YOURS.

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