Wednesday, July 3, 2024

easier? permission or forgiveness?

It is a human freewill deal. Ask me don't tell me is ready to be the new normal. Some have done it one way, others have done it the other way. Some blame it on others, and some take no repsonsibility for any of it. Others plow right in taking the results as their own choices results. Yesterday I spoke about the harems, the place where women were kept. They are now disbanded energetically. The masks are off, the cloaking devices are transparent. The world through the eyes of the web are seeing, and believing things not scene or believed before. We carry the pipe. It is the womb, it is the portal, it is that which without it, STOPS EVERYTHING HERE! Permission or forgiveness are both granted for now. Take the gift, and make the upgrade. Protect the innocents, NATURE, CHILDREN AND THE WOMB-MAN! You will be so glad you chose that. Truth is, we are something very special.

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