Saturday, October 22, 2022


If this were a game, you would learn the strategy to win if you were playing for keeps. Health and all of it's wealth is a strategy, I learned it long ago and have taught to others for over 30 years. Nature is strategic. She is organized. She knows the game well. You can block her, dump on her, poison her, rip her up and neglect her, only to have her bounce back and show you her strategy and how she uses it to win. Mushrooms are super strategic, as are minerals. Learning how they work is paramount to a healing strategy. The movement of air and water give mobility, and it works strategically to balance things again and again. It is the key to health, life and the love of the game. COME AND VISIT us and we will set you up with a strategy of your own. MINE is mine, and not the same as yours. Kind of like trying to snowboard because your friend can do it easily, and YOU CAN NOT, as you have not put in the effort to build and implement a strategy. I am my own healer, and a good strategist for others. THE HEALING is yours and yours alone to embrace and I, for one, believe in DIVINE DESIGN, and using Nature to support it. SEE YOU IN THE WAR ROOM! It is time for us to take charge of our own processes. We are the ones we have been seeking.

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