Sunday, October 23, 2022

scrambled brains...

Kids get em', seniors get em', addicts get em', interference by things added to recipe of known self that do not match make it happen. My recipe for success is MULTI-FACETED. Knowing who I am first is key. I am an O blood type. I am a Sagittarius all day and all night, yet I am a Libra Rising. I am a country living character. I am learning new things every day of my life. I am a sun worshipper, and a dreamer. I use the work, play, rest and thrive concept. I do them all. I learned to say NO/KNOW long ago, so I take the time to take the time out I need to decide things that apply to me. I worship no human as sovereign, we are all equal, brothers and sisters. When you learn the basics, your brains settles down. When you take a time out, and rest and relax in nature, your brain settles down. When you fall in love with your own potential and all it offers you naturally, your brains finds alignment with your body and your purpose, and then...your brain settles down. Before you take another drug, or drink, or additive or abuse, take the time to take the time out first. SO YOUR BRAIN CAN SETTLE DOWN> Peace will follow, and that is our true north!

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