Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Parents!!! Are you the monster under the bed of your kid?

Hearing the songs and stories of MONSTERS under the bed of humans, I had to ask - WHO would be there hiding in such a private space. Familial disharmony was the answer. Kids know energy. They see it, smell, taste it and feel it. I do too. YOU USED TO. When a child says there is a MONSTER, THERE/THEIR/THEY'RE IS! You are responsible for answering that clarion call to action. IF YOU are the monster, say you are sorry, promise to never do that again, and make it up to them!! AND MEAN IT!!! We are watching you, and we are here to help. No monsters here, we live in the light of love and laughter with health, happiness and lots of HORSES. Where all things heal now is where we need to be.

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