Monday, May 2, 2022

Jesus the criminal

To whom to owe allegiance? Jesus felt allegiance to the UNSEEN. A faith and a hope in and for humanity. The love that a renegade has is wild and free and energetic. It to those in authority at the moment, can be overwhelming. JAILABLE offense. Hangable offense. Crucify them said those too afraid to make peace and have an understanding of the GREATER GOOD necessary for continuation. Delay, deny and defend is the mantra of insurance companies. I know it to be the mantra of certain beings here. Delay their support, or love, or compromise. Deny it!! Defend to the death of that which they do not control, jail or hang? OR ....????? I am a WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMEN peacemaker. We are Divine Feminine and we are here to take that role. We delay nothing, we feel everything. We deny no one ever as all are a part of Creation. We have defended for a very long time are right to be sovereign and protected. NOW that time is over. We are a part of the healing, the nurturing and also the authority of the Great Mystery. We are guarded, guided and loved beyond measure, and we are tougher than humans as we are heaven sent. Jesus the Christ Consciousness, our Star Brother, a renegade, an outcast, a criminal to WHO?? Not me and Hopefully NOT YOU!

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