Sunday, December 13, 2020


A child learns to trust, when they are kids. You repeat that level of growth and development over and over again in your life's work. At the stressful times you resort to what you were taught as a kid, and it's habit is familiar and some how comforting. It is those habits that require our analysis and the forgiveness of an adult who is free and capable of change and enlarging the trust factor. Are you that person? I teach options in the wellness field. It changes things for those willing to embrace something not taught as a kid. People trust this. Then I look at my kids, who were taught this, and I smile in the TRUST I established with them, that this was solid, honest and something that could sustain them for a lifetime. WHO, WHAT and HOW is YOUR TRUST? A trust is a strong and supportive reality. In this time where it is not a common reality, FIND that trust in you, in what you do and those you spend time with. TRUST is CONTAGIOUS! And there is a lot of room to GROW and SHOW _ real trust here and now. With it, we will be just fine.

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