Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Check your tools

As a kid you see the grown ups and their tools, working away at stuff. Mom with a needle and thread, Dad with a paint brush, or a hammer. Tools today are different for some. Intelligence is at the push of a button. A video can coach you, or a package can be on the way, an answer takes one second, and you can feel connected that quickly too. Decide which tools you want in the new age. Aquarius is the water-bearer that supports the free spirit. That will take some new tools or special tools for some. Others already know the way of the age. Peace, freedom, harmony and understanding, need some serious tools of love and light. Old tools that bullies use, like coaches, or priests, or Boy Scout leaders used alot, are outed and totally obsolete. You are the one who makes the choice, just as I will make the choice for me. Good luck, check what you brought, keep what works, keep what you like, and leave the rest on the curb for the Universe to take to the junk pile! New age, new day! NEW TOOLS!

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