Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Looking out for WHO? YOU

I love the concept of the secret shopper, and the Nanny cam too. I love to know I am being watched, analyzed and seen/scene. I like the quiet attention and the security of that concern for me. My gas hose broke in the cold on my fuel tank, and a magical human showed that very loving concern and fixed it while I was not looking!! Do you know you are loved, guarded and guided?? Do you know that when you know that, you must pay it forward to complete the circuit? Today is a great day to think about who needs YOU! Under the full moon of lighting a path to community, take a moment and choose someone to overlight. A gas hose, a cleaned up side walk, a cookie plate, or just a smile and a HOW YA DOIN? Isolation and masking us from our smiles is hard on folks, reach out and complete the circuit, it will be the completion of YOU! Thanks Darrick Gallo! You are an angel!

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