Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Looking out for WHO? YOU

I love the concept of the secret shopper, and the Nanny cam too. I love to know I am being watched, analyzed and seen/scene. I like the quiet attention and the security of that concern for me. My gas hose broke in the cold on my fuel tank, and a magical human showed that very loving concern and fixed it while I was not looking!! Do you know you are loved, guarded and guided?? Do you know that when you know that, you must pay it forward to complete the circuit? Today is a great day to think about who needs YOU! Under the full moon of lighting a path to community, take a moment and choose someone to overlight. A gas hose, a cleaned up side walk, a cookie plate, or just a smile and a HOW YA DOIN? Isolation and masking us from our smiles is hard on folks, reach out and complete the circuit, it will be the completion of YOU! Thanks Darrick Gallo! You are an angel!

Monday, December 28, 2020

Historic trauma and muscle memory

On the 26th of December my throat started to feel choked, tight and scratchy and very uncomfortable. Knowing the history of the Dakota 38 plus 2 Remembering - your ancestral sroies and sharing with others in love is the communion lesson. The community of humanity must be in harmony with one another or we will not heal our planet and make it safe for the children. I honor those of you who heed this message and work towards resolution now. NO RIGHT OR WRONG< only the choices of right or left! PICK ONE< AND the trauma will release, my neck and throat are already better.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

I am here to see in my mirror, who ???

Humans have been sent home to make choices now. No work, no school, no church, no bars, no restaurants and on and on the list of CLOSED that says go HOME NOW, grows......... When they got home it was unfamiliar. THE MIRRORS WERE there, in the faces of those you live with. WHO are you, what are you doing here? That was said to the mirror each morning as they ritually looked in it again and again, now there seemed to be NO REASON to check your image and it's projection in those mirrors. OR>>> is it Mirror Mirror on the WALL, who are you NOW? What are you to do here? You have all said it to that mirror before. THE PAST is leaving, so saynow, that is what I used to do, be, look like, and yes, it is all changed, and I DO NOT KNOW NOW. I hear it in my dreams, and I say back to the mirror, I AM A CHILD OF THE LIGHT. A SISTER of the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS that overlights this planet and her energy. I have an image of what that looks like for me. I am a Fire Rooster, A double Sagittarius, a doctor of Naturopathy, and a female, daughter, sister, mother, grandmother and friend. I am my own ancestor and my own elder, as well as my own little girl and my own tom-boy too. In the moments before we release the 2020 vision of acuity and the changes it brought. LOOK IN THE MIRROR. I will teach what was taught to me before now, in the upcoming days of 2021. Check our pages to see what we see. Facebook has The HAWC, Hawk's Ridge Ranch, and Get Out and TRY. They will have the offerings. Our email thehawc@gmail.com will connect us. See you when the fog on the mirror lifts. I look forward to SEEING YOU!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Baby Steps

As we venture forth onto our skiis or skates or ballet slippers, or what ever FOOTING you love. Start this new age enegy with baby steps. It is shakey and coming in loud and fast and unknown to many. It ruptured the fabric of earth in 2020, it will now create a new field. You are in the field, as am I. I will put on my skiis today, and slide across a billion crystals and snowflakes as though we have never been together here before. Fat and furious, bright and sparkling, or just BABY STEPS? I will let you know after I go. ENJOY THE DAY, THE NEW EARTH AND THE NEW FIELDS. WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITNG FOR.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Don't take it too seriously

There is so much serious energy on the planet right now. Everything is dramatic, revealing and causing a lot of re-action! I know I am feeling it. So just say what you want and walk away. Keep it casual. Expect nothing in return, and you will not be disappointed. DO YOU, being YOU, with YOU, and attending to the NEEDS and WANTS of you. Smile as you allow yourself all that you wanted others to allow you before now and all the WHAM we are feeling. They are in their own light feeling their own fears, and what they say is what they have and endure. If someone vents to you, it is their resume, not yours. Take notes, and review them later, it reveals the rest of their story. The only light you get to add to is yours. My light likes to celebrate, and I am finding some out their who do too. Keeping 6 feet apart in a good lesson in self and it gives you chance to take a good long look at the rest of the people. I do know many are looking at their life more closely then they ever have since others are out of their way and reach just now. No more waiting. Keep it casual, and keep it light, and those who match will you show up and you will be glad you were available. Seriously, celebrate! It is time be glad you are a survivor, it is time now to thrive!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Traveling on a snow-flake

My favorite way to move about. WATER! All kinds are fine, but the crystalline snowflake is my favorite. So today in appreciation for the SNOWFLAKES of my life here, my world, my stable - mates and ME, Merry Christmas everyone, I will be the one in the BOB-CAT plowing all day. ENJOY the magic - I sure will!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

How to develop fear into courage

Babies crawl before they stand up. When they start to get their front teeth, they start to move around. It is exciting once they feel their roots deepen. Teeth are the computer chips needed for the data to pulse. When they are lost, other measures must fill in the space. I have watched the development of deeply rooted and also barely rooted humans. Babies and old people are the most at risk, although any loss causes a lesson and a solution. IT IS VERY DIFFERENT> If you are not wanted, given to someone else, dropped off a lot, moved out of the way to make space for others, your roots will not grow strong or deep. It is chakra thing! Then the next step is that 2nd chakra where fear and insecurity and adrenaline come from. It becames a very real and sometimes life long challenge. Those insecure people who create so much drama first must go back to their roots and forgive, and regrow them. Humans can not skip steps without creating an imbalance. I know the zingers sent out by the ones stuck in 2nd chakra gear. It is the sex, drugs and rock and rock energy center, and addiction is the outcome. Moving to the liver - yellow - third step, where pride in self and courage develop is shakey at best. That is where the messes come from. Sloppy is easy, war is not. Undeveloped liver shields create noisy, angry, toxic lives. Those first 3 chakras should be rock solid by the time a child is 12 years old. A heart opens then to a world made of magic and mystery. People then fall in love with people. Sit quietly today under the mars/pluto energy, and allow all the transformation to take place. It is needed and free to those who are open! Thank you Creator for the gifts of the Solar System, the Star of Bethlehem in our sky was something very needed and we are grateful as a bonus!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Consciousness rising under the star light

If you are a star this is your moment. If you want star qualtiy in your life, this is your moment. Starry, starry night by Van Gogh was my moment long ago. I see things blurry, those stars are you, and our world, and us all together in the brightest light of love. As the Star of Bethlehem rose last night over Earth, I felt that star qualtiy again rising for the Earth and her true children. If you are one of those energies, accept the warmth, and the light as it will direct you to the Manger and the Highest Consciousness of all. Be a Magi, be a traveler, bring great gifts, and I will see in the light.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Blank slate

We have been in transition, alone and a little afraid. Humanity is now being offered a new page in a whole new book. Over the next few weeks give your self some leeway. Let the new idea of YOU and your connection to this world, reshape itself. NUFF SAID! See you in the New Age.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Born on this day

When we arrive on that day, it marks the book of life with a special place holder just for YOU, or me if it is today. I knew as a child I came for now. The alignments of the new age have taken all the days of this life, and I have surfed them without getting dumped. My board is strong, my knees still hold me up and the water, well it is just fine. I win everyday simply by rising and shining. Today I rose a little earlier to celebrate and be able to catch as much magic as I can. In honour of the Creator and the gift of being human, say out loud - THANK YOU, or it you want to, Megwetch. I sure am, 63 years complete at 2:19 am this morning, and still smiling! Thank you all for being on this beautiful planet with me, and here's to the Dawn of the New Age of LIGHT!

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Someone turn the lights on please!

Humanity has been coasting. Buffeted by the powers they believe they do not control. Never remembering that the job is to RE-MEMBER you came with the controls in YOUR HANDS! You couldn't be born here if you were not in control. Coming to Earth takes careful consideration as it is a very risky bet. It requires a control of your breath, your choices, your projections and your results. We all need to know we are of and from the LIGHT where controlling your love is not a job but a natural gift! So will someone please hit the controls, and turn the LIGHTS ON. In the light the darkness holds no place. So as we stand under the Saturn and Jupiter conjuction, and all the lights come on at once. Be enlightened, and then get to work with what you see needs to be loved. It is what we came to do and remember you have all the controls at your fingertips, believe and receive.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Check your tools

As a kid you see the grown ups and their tools, working away at stuff. Mom with a needle and thread, Dad with a paint brush, or a hammer. Tools today are different for some. Intelligence is at the push of a button. A video can coach you, or a package can be on the way, an answer takes one second, and you can feel connected that quickly too. Decide which tools you want in the new age. Aquarius is the water-bearer that supports the free spirit. That will take some new tools or special tools for some. Others already know the way of the age. Peace, freedom, harmony and understanding, need some serious tools of love and light. Old tools that bullies use, like coaches, or priests, or Boy Scout leaders used alot, are outed and totally obsolete. You are the one who makes the choice, just as I will make the choice for me. Good luck, check what you brought, keep what works, keep what you like, and leave the rest on the curb for the Universe to take to the junk pile! New age, new day! NEW TOOLS!

Sunday, December 13, 2020


A child learns to trust, when they are kids. You repeat that level of growth and development over and over again in your life's work. At the stressful times you resort to what you were taught as a kid, and it's habit is familiar and some how comforting. It is those habits that require our analysis and the forgiveness of an adult who is free and capable of change and enlarging the trust factor. Are you that person? I teach options in the wellness field. It changes things for those willing to embrace something not taught as a kid. People trust this. Then I look at my kids, who were taught this, and I smile in the TRUST I established with them, that this was solid, honest and something that could sustain them for a lifetime. WHO, WHAT and HOW is YOUR TRUST? A trust is a strong and supportive reality. In this time where it is not a common reality, FIND that trust in you, in what you do and those you spend time with. TRUST is CONTAGIOUS! And there is a lot of room to GROW and SHOW _ real trust here and now. With it, we will be just fine.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Understanding the rainbows that are chakras and a part of human life

Humans have the ROYGBIV of chakras,</b> red, orange, yellow green, blue, indigo, violet in each lifetime opening them and putting them online as they complete a life cycle here. New humans have 8 chakras! Some of us here to help even have 12. This is about the RAINBOW children. I came in with the 6th ray open and spinning, the indigo ray, my 6th chakra. It made me do things other children did not do. It is the chakra of the dreamer, the visionary. The game changer and the free spirit. This inspired and drove me all my life to learn and share the things of nature I could see clearly, to the INNOCENTS. They are the children. Innocents are borns as babies, and develop one chakra at a time, it comes in shifts and is celebrated with sacraments. The children here now are ready for all energy centers to spin together. Time for baby steps is past. They are the Rainbow Race of the future. That future is now. We have had the 2020 to see clearly their needs. If you want help in recognizing them and their gifts, give us a call for a consultation, thehawc.com has the schedule to book your appointment. I love this work, and what the Healing Arts Wellcare Center, the HAWC, and Hawk's Ridge Ranch, do here in Hudson Wis.
do, well.......it is for them as they are the future of this world. Namaste' Dr. Su This Rainbow Baby happens to be my Grandson, and could not be more grateful, then sharing this world with him and him with them!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Know now all you know for sure.

ANy thing that leaves you shakey, wait. If you are a part of the solution, then you must believe on that alone. My solution has always been NATURE. She is beautiful, balanced, wild and free to change it up whenever it gets old. HOW about you? What do you know that makesa you dance, and sing and smile and want to share??? For me it is Earth and her children, go play everyone, I am!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The dawn of the age of Aquarius is ending, and the AGE opens onto us 12-21-2020

What does that mean to you?? It means is time for a re-alignment!! Much has been revealed, much has faded into stories and legacies. Time to embrace a re-creation of our Earth, and her children. Stnad in the light, and tell us who you are and what you need and are willing to do. It is time to take our world into a place of unity, love and understanding. Sing the songs!!