Saturday, September 27, 2014

Transmutation - free healing for those who learn and use this gift

Fade to black. We have seen it done, movies often end that way. Now let's learn to lighten to bright white light. This clears the field of any hidden residue along with the big junk right in front of your eyes. Decide what must clear. Are you haunted, plagued, disturbed.....or any thing like that. Addicted, injured, lost......insecure, unhealthy, unhappy.... There are so many to choose from, so start with a few. Or just one big one. Close your eyes, and say, I am standing in the LIGHT of Creator. Under this light of pure love, I see everything clearly. I ask that ________, whatever is in need of release, be transmuted to it's next highest level of light now. I release freely with gratitude for the lesson. I am healed, free and peaceful in my willingness to add in more light and love to my field. Try it, I do it every single day of my life, and look how good this is all turning out!!! We are all worthy.

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