Friday, August 6, 2010


THE HAWC, OUR NAME FOR A VERY LONG TIME. Now that name morphs yet again into another acronym. It started as Health America Wellcare Center in the 90's then we upgraded to the Healing Arts Wellcare Center and now we are upping it again the Holistic and Alternative Wellness Center of Hawk's Ridge Community Farm. Wow that's a mouth full.

Time to change.

I have consulted with you all for a very long time, I have defended your right to be well in a world where nature is disregarded as the Master she is and the Mother of the Human Species. And that is what I do. There is much science and experimentation going on, with all the things that impact my life and in my experience it has distorted my health and my energy and my balance.

I will not give in to the popular opinion that I need a health care system to babysit my health and longevity. American medicine does not promote that, you know that. It promotes self and the funding you provide is the ultimate goal. You alone,
are to be responsible for your own health and balance, but did we get lazy. We eat whatever we can get our hands on and wonder why we are so sick and fat and sad. We use all sorts of substances to alter our day and our performance and then we ask why are jails and mental health facilities are full of people. As we age we are told we MUST use med's to maintain some level of health and then it's commonly those meds that cause us to energetically die off and end up in nursing homes that take the last little bits of our money and our dignity.

My daughter Jessie, was taught a different way to live and to this day has no medical records from the past 20 years. Didn't need to go to a clinic, we took care of everything ourselves. Now as a grown lady, she is not only knowledgeable and super fit and healthy, she sets the mark for her students in the world of health and fitness and those looking to get out of the healthcare ratrace. In health rankings, the American Medical Association are 50th in a world of health care systems. Not what you think, huh? Pretty low on the totem pole of healthcare. Something to check into and consider.

So here's to the new paradigm. Holistic and alternative, and all it offers to anyone interesting in knowledge and self care techniques. Keep posted as we offer weekly free advice for your use! Namaste' Dr. Su

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