Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Terrain, yours and your environment

Tim and I were on a mission yesterday to investigate a client's living situation. She has been diagnosed with ALS by her medical professional and is struggling. We have had conversations in the past regarding her workplace in St. Paul, being toxic and since she has quit it has gotten worse, so we went to check out her home.
So I want to give you a heads up on that very subject.

You not only need to, but have a right to live and work in a healthy environment, but it is YOUR responsibility to determine that. There are huge health ramifications to trying to exist in a moldy place, not to mention other toxins. We in the Midwest have very intense weather variations and the structure of the buildings we use is supposed to withstand that in a healthy way. BREATHING with fresh air exchangers and lighting that supports are just two basic features that need to be addressed. Bulbs that contain mercury are very toxic to many people, and should be avoided. Vapor barriers that hold moisture where hot and cold meet are breeding grounds for super toxic mold. By the time it works it's way into your home or office showing up on walls or ceilings the problem has been going on a long, long time. This is critical, allergies are just the beginning of the physical breakdown when inundated by mold spores, that's why spring brings them on, the walls warm and the mold grows. Do not blame Mother Nature for your allergies, but look at your environment carefully. Your diet, your water source, your sun and fresh air exposure are also critical. Go to the schools where your kids are to make sure there a no issues there, check the health records of the employees and find out the track record of the building. In the space where my client worked there are asbestos wrapped pipes. If you don't take the bull by the horns I 'll keep getting you here at your wits end with health problems.

To end the story, the home was so moldy and toxic, that after just 30 minutes of exposure, both Tim and I felt ill. Knowledge is power, use your knowing and intuition to check your world out. There are high tech building products that Tim has been working with for 16 years and they are guaranteed to prevent these very issues. FIND OUT ABOUT A BETTER WAY AND LIVE HEALTHY, STRONG AND HAPPY FOREVER!Cost for the best of the best is so money and life saving when you learn and realize that you are worth it and so is your family.

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