Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring has sprung!!

Just a note here to remind you that spring is for the kidneys. It's a cleaning that occurs with the magic in the air, lots of b vitamins and cherry juice! Also, the sun is back, put away the vitamin D and get outside. Here's a little known fact about sight. Those who exercise their eyes by looking far and into the distance will strenghthen their vision. Close up viewing without relief shortens the vision and results in glasses. Blueberries are the best eye remedy we've got, so throw them in your breakfast daily and the benefits will be noticeable. YOU"LL SEE THEM!

Electromagnetic fields and you. Stay away from power sources as much as you can, you're wiring, which you all know you have, is greatly affected by these frequencies, and you can be overloaded. Loss of immune function is one of the results. This is where you'll see a difference in your vitality and feelings of well being after you've gone to the shore, or the cabin or to the park, ALOT. It's imperative for kids, especially since so much of school time is indoors trapped in recycled air and magnetic fields and close up viewing. After school should be outside time, not homework time! That applies to everyone. It also answers the sleep problem since that light and air and motion that outside provides enhances the sleep mechanism.

Last but not least, if your house is moldy it is so so important that you deal with it immediately. I have seen so much illness as a result of a toxic house or workplace or school. Run, don't walk away, scream about it as a warning to others and protect yourself by refusing to stay in such a place. I have stories that will curl your hair about the ramifications of these problems. It is up to you to see it and deal with it. Smell will lead you to it, if it is visible it's been going on a long time and is even more serious. Allergies are the first symptom and anxiety goes with the adrenal/allergic response. Kids will tell you where they feel threatened, look and see and smell, you'll be surprised that they know what they are talking about.

We know how to find and fix it, if you need help, call us 1-800-801-0922. Happy Easter and remember, The cross that showed the judgement of man to be a foolish and painful thing has been destroyed. There is no place for the opinions of others in your life. It is your life and your choice and your responsibility to find the magic here in whatever way it suits you. You are all one of a kind, celebrate your unique and authentic nature, be yourself and let others be themselves. Agree to disagree, you will all find your way, it's a promise!! Look to the light and feel the love. Namaste' Dr. Su

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