Sunday, March 28, 2010

Looks like the Sun/ Son is coming!

Spring not only brings light and warmth it creates the opportunity for new growth. Looks like that is coming now, really sooner than we could ever imagine. The world is heating up, those who are ready for truth and love and unlimited potential are poised and ready to be heard. Tim and I were talking this morning about how many times in our lives that even though we were doing things we really wanted to and thought were great, that others piped up and tried to rain on our parade. You can't, you shouldn't, why oh why did you, and of course my all time favorite, shame on you!! To those naysayers we laugh out loud and say, what's it to you? Tim got an eagle tattoo when he was 18 and took a bunch of crap from his family, yet we both know how important talisman are and what value they add to the owner in remembering purpose. Now that EAGLE soars!!! I know there are those who have endured the quieting of their stories and choices, now is the time to shine a light on them, speak your truth, proud and strong, being in love with yourself and your destiny. Please stop with the advice for the good of others, unless someone asks, don't offer. You need to work on your stuff not theirs, period. Honor the journey whether you agree with it or not. Play nice with others or go home and play by yourself until you can. No one wants to hear about your problems. As it says at the horseshoe bar down at Dick's Bar in Hudson, THANK YOU FOR NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP! There are no adult victims, only those who choose to complain because they don't want to do the work of self. We all know who they are and now it's your chance to tell them to go home and be quiet. We did. We are who and how we are intentionally, we love it and have found so many friends who are just the same way. That's what works, so here's to the heating up of the world and if it gets too hot for you get out of the kitchen cuz the rest of us are cooking up something really special!

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