Friday, August 11, 2023

Someone got you by the short hairs?

I hear/here tales of woe. Illness, calamity, disrespect and on and on the wailing goes. It is not your job to suffer. It is an illusion designed to remind you of a star quality hidden within. Some had tough family lives, others had loss, still others coped with war or worse. It serves us now to remember we are worth loving. Living here in peace and prosperity is the quest. If you need to remember why you are suffering do a sweat lodge, have a vision quest, or just tell your guardian angel to show you in a dream. YOU ALL HAVE TO SLEEP sometime. It is time to rethink this. Let go ... if you have not used, worn and loved something in a year's time, give it away. LET SOMEONE ELSE have a chance. I need to remember to take my own advice too, so watch what leaves my world in the upcoming weeks. I do not need my short hairs pulled, not now and not ever.

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