Friday, August 25, 2023


The headress of the chief has the eagle feathers of the story. Each higher vision for humanity is a marker on the journey of life. If you get a feather in your life, YOU DID WELL! Eagles don't just hand them over willy nilly. I am a chief. I have dominion over things I contracted to steward. Nature and kids are at the top of my list. In fulfilling my contract my headress grows, my hairs whitens with the feathers and I celebrate every opportunity to add in. YOU are your own chief. What job to self have you excelled at and feathered your nest with? This is the time to know you are a star. Let the rest go. Time to fly, take a look from the eyes of the eagle at your surroundings, your decisions, your mess or lack of mess is where the chief duties are. I today will consider cleaning up the barn, no job too dirty for a chief!

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