Monday, August 14, 2023

One step at a time

EVEN if it is a baby step forward. People are not moving forward toward their highest good in health, in friendship, and peace as quickly as they could. It is time to jump!! The old should and will be left to their own. Stuck in a way of saying I DO NOT want to change or learn something new, or be the one in charge of me. It is the thinkers that become the doers that will flourish. Can you teach an old dog new tricks? I did with JACK the German Shepherd I rescued. I was told he was a runner. I said if that was true he would not be a fit for me. It took 3 months, some love, nourishment, and encouragement, and a little snip snip too. Now 2 years later I could not have a better more tuned in guard dog. Attentive, alerting, and stable have become his way with his new home, his other dog friends, and of course all the people that come here. We did it one step at a time, and that was how we got the job done! Take that first step, let go, move on, start fresh, ask for help, take a class, and let's step it up!

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