Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Afraid of ???

Humans are taught to fear that which they can not understand. Then they are told to rely on a different human for the solution other than their own intuition. It usually costs money. The churchs, the hospitals, the schools, to name three that charge alot for not so much honest support. I am a Naturopathic Physician, I charge the first time you see me, ALOT! I hope it causes you to learn and become accountable for that which is revealed. I have a Facebook page called THE HAWC, it has tons of educational info on wellness. I publish this for the clients and others seeking knowledge. Then when you visit us I ask that it be recorded for future reference, since it is specific and personal, infinite and eternal for that person. You deserve the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth now. AND there is NOTHING to be afraid of.

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