Saturday, July 16, 2022

Looking to return to the Path of Joy?

Most have been recently down the Path of Sorrow. It is it's own punishment, so therefore now there is no further pain required. The Natural Law of CAUSE, EFFECT AND CONSEQUENCE has been enough of that for humanity to grow. Healing work is required. Restoring of the Divine Blueprint is key, not allowing strangers or wolves in sheeps clothing to command you in any way/weigh that can do more harm than good. THE time to check your own energy is NOW as never before. My own Mother wanted to trust the doctor, the preacher, the cop, the insurance salesman, and she did that. I watched and saw she would apply blame when she was not saved from something that she relied on another to do. Addiction to addiction to another being responsible for you or any thing but self is it's journey back to the path of joy, That is it's own punishment enough. Unhook those tethers, get off that cross, and help us around here PLEASE!! We all are in this together, and JOY is the energy of recovery. Celebrate your ascension as opposed to your crucifixion, all the big dogs did that and they are rooting for us from the clouds. Mahpiya!

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