Saturday, July 2, 2022

As within so without, AKA independence

Learning to go within to find the harmony and perspective is an undertaught necessity. Americans were told to go with out to find the answers, approval, and that was that. I looked to the teachers, the preachers, the physicans and the magicians. Most were faking it. Bullies, bosses, overloads from over lords, and even tyrants were in that space. If as a child I had an idea, I said it out loud. My sister would say, WHY MUST YOU DO THAT ALL THE TIME? YOU know it will get you into trouble. I said it is what it is, and it is how I am who I am. Trouble or not, I must speak my truth. What it got me was independence. I learned to go with in before I manifested it on the out side. I learned to listen, to meditate, to visualize and to be eternally grateful to the Great Mystery, joyful and willing all the days of my life. AND I sing a little tune as I made my way.

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