Monday, December 27, 2021

What makes you an asset?

Plus or minus, add in or subtract away, there are only two ways to be human. You are choosing each day one or the other. As I review the years, the decades, of my life, I am able to remember when the asset of my being was acknowledged. It came after I grew up, as a child it was not seen that way. I was a bother to the mother left behind at the passing of my father in 1959. I made sure that my own daughters knew they were valuable. So to this day we gather together and make magic! We know being an asset takes self awareness, self love and self worth. As we wind down the 2021, see what you brought. Were you generous and kind, did you open your home and your heart? OR did you take more then you gave?? That is for children, not adults. Find a service that you can give yourself to with a glad and willing heart, respecting and honoring the light in another, respects and honors the LIGHT in YOU! THAT LIGHT
is an asset in a dark world.

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