Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Like the 4th of July sparklers that children hold up, sparklers give us a focus and some fun. Then comes the smiles. It is what follows that that is particular to the one with the sparkles in their hand, and then the one enjoying the sparks gets in on the action. It can start a fight, it can start a romance, it will start something, it always does. WHEN those sparks fall on tinder, they ignite. What will you ignite in 2022? A nice neighborhood, good health, an intimate relationship, a budding career? So many sparks to light so many fires. I know that you know... deep within... where/wear you could go from here/hear. THINK about it and then fire up the new you! YOU will sparkle like a star on a clear winter night! And watch for me too, I am ready to fire up!

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