Monday, December 20, 2021

In the empty seat next to you, see the you you want to be with

The effect of the social distance that we are experiencing is dramatic. People feeling ostrichsized by the petty tyrants who are afraid of their own shadows and afraid of you too. As you get the chance to be alone and apart for the time being, decide who you want to fill that space when community comes together again. Are you the one you want to have in your own life? Do you do what want you love to do, with others you truly adore? Is there purpose and power in in your day with your being alive and awakened. Inspiration and celebration will override fear and loss. Have a party, invite someone new and special, that matches your vision of humanity. It begins with US and our love of this world and all of her children. Age, race, gender, need not have any bearing on your decision. SEE the aura, hear the words of empowerment, and be healing this world of ours. That seat is an empty canvas, and you are the artist deciding what next.

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