Thursday, December 27, 2018

Learning new information means making space and letting go of the old data

Kids and adults alike learn all the time. Remedial or not, it is out with old, outdated, past, and passed learned stuff, and in with fresh new and energizing ideas. I see the same old mistakes, and the losses they create. It is a stubborn way to die. It is a way of fear that new will add more then can be absorbed. It comes with great and high expectations. I know how I release. I celebrate. It is the last year of a birthday marker that is being sent off like a balloon. The new year will have it's time in the sun, only when it happens and there is a new space for it. Relationships, jobs, health and so much more deserve that fresh breath of air, and cup of clean water too. Clean it up, let it out, and get into your life, you deserve the joy that being human has to offer! I know I do!!!!! Namaste.

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