Wednesday, May 6, 2015

For unto us a child is born, the SUN is given

As I meditated today that song played over and over in my head. I know that children come with in with great light, the sun/son within is live and light and bright! It is the light of the world. We are extinguishing those lights with vial vials of chemicals and other toxins. Our newly born bright lights are dimmed and some are completely lost. This is not OK. Our world will only survive if we wake up and see the bigger picture here. There is and never was a right or loving reason to inoculate a human. They are divinely designed and those designs are not flawed. Those children need mother's milk, food that is non modified whole and organic. They need love and support until they can stand on their own two feet and speak their truth and tell who they really are and what they have brought the world. I am serious. I have seen the needle and the damage done over and over and it is my turn to tell my stories of glorious healing and recovery. I will focus on the good, the light and the bright love I feel with science and spiritual data.  THE HAWC , a facebook group you can join is where all the truth lies. Thank you for caring and listening with an open mind!! Namaste'

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