Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams - the needle and the damage done

I used to listen to that song over and over, I've seen the needle and the damage done by Neil Young. Somehow all this time I felt those lyrics  speaking to my mind. I know  the horrible damage done by needles, I help those injured by those needles filled drugs and vaccines in my practice all of the time. The thyroid being the most vulnerable place  defensing the body from those pricks. It registers the entrance of the offending liquid without benefit of the digestive system and the power of the liver to filter it out. It is a direct hit on so many levels!!! Like a snake bite whose venom can shatter a body and extinguish a life with one attack. Our current system of needles attacks the human body again and again with needle after needle and then never takes any responsibility for the damage done. I dreamed of Robin at my hotel on Saturday night, sitting quietly in my restaurant alone at a table for two. I was too busy in my dream to stop and chat although and I could have and now know, should have. He was signaling me of his departure, as many do, and asked that I share his story from my perspective. This will happen, this being the first piece to reconsider. Please, do not allow the needle and the damage to snuff your life out or create so much disharmony that the duration of your existence here is plagued with issues, like addiction, autism, anaphylactic reactions to things normal to most of us. It is time now to stop this madness and take a closer look at clean water and fresh air, whole fresh non gmo organic food and sunshine, first. Then let's see what needs needles and drugs after that.

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