Friday, August 1, 2014

Creation occurs in the MOMENT

Not left over from before, nor a vision of the future in some distant time or place. You are creating constantly, each moment and what it is you are choosing, consciously or not. So many are half asleep yet. Some poisoned by unknown toxins like flouride or mercury or additives or preservatives, others choose it daily. Chemicals alter you, your  choices are organic only if you are. Following the natural step is what our sustainability group SUSTAIN HUDSON is all about. I also do this in my work as a Naturopath by teaching clients how to partner with things in nature to support a healthy body. I have had to practice doing it in my leisure time too, my natural instinct has always been best and most creative there. I love my leisure life, it is fun and full of adventures and learning to set myself up for success has been an awesome opportunity to live in the moment. I have to stop, think, focus and shoot, and most of the time it goes right in to the whole/hole! Get in the moment, be clear about what you want and are willing to sustain. It is yours and yours alone and I for one know you have more skills than I am seeing. TRY!!! for the WHOLE!

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