Friday, June 17, 2011

Infliction opens to infection

Ever had someone inflict their good intentions on you??? Oh, I thought you would love this or surprise!!! look what I did, only to find a mess from your own perspective. Medicine practices that every day, oh, here you go, my intention is to help you but if a mess results as a by product of the advice or the product or the procedure, well too damn bad, clean it up or DIE. Humans give in to that all the time, they feel bad about saying no. They worry that they will offend some one even though it is not right for them and they know it in their bones, they accept it anyway and walk away disgusted and mumbling under their breath. I have had clients actually fill the prescription they know to be wrong for them and throw it away rather then to tell the doctor the truth. WOW!! They fear repercussions. Listen everyone the only real repercussions here are the loss of your own truth and knowing.

Left to a chronic state it will open to infestation. Nature herself will step in and infest the inflicted area to initiate change. Dis - ease is that infestation. She will disturb the status quo so that you do not die, but get another chance to do it differently and better and more SELF loving next time. You are all being challenged now to clean up your messes, emotional, financial, relationships, careers and it goes on and on. Start with your diet, then your fitness, then your space and then your relationships and then your work in this world. Look for harmony and humor and potential. Never inflict your choice on another without their permission, your supposed good intentions may be killing another person who can't stand up to you.

This is imperative for humanity to understand their losses are their own makings. No more victims, you are all children of the Creator with potential for healing and producing great and marvelous things.Namaste' Dr. Su

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