Sunday, March 16, 2025

Surfing the waves of change

The BLUE planet offers surfing. Oceans of energy ready for you to dive in to and mount up on. Ski, swim, paddle, surf, all the opportunites to show your ability to navigate the world we live in. When the system scares you, it is an opportunity to dive in! Over the decades of teaching Naturopathic health, i have seen miracle after miracle! When someone takes a chance and the choice to heal, they do it. You are eternal, where you focus is where the surfing is best. Understanding how to dive in sometimes takes a leader. Find someone you can let lead you up the waves of changes you will encounter. I do it up on a beautiful horse, and the miracles never cease. Healing for a higher perspective, balance, harmony in changing gaits/gates is a beautiful choice! See ya in the barn, where we will lead you to greener pastures.

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