Monday, March 3, 2025

Leverage your dreams

Can you remember your dreams when you wake up? Take notes, take pictures with your mind, allow them to sink in, talk out loud about them and what and where and who you dreamt of. THEN look the dream up in a dream dictionary. Humans live in day light and under moonlight too. I live equally in both. I have since I was 16. The feminine energy that receives the reflections of moonlight are very informative. I allow, then I align with the knowing. Appreciation is a daytime job. HOW do you know what, who and more? You dream of it. You all can learn the usefulness of your dreams, or your nightmares. When I was a child I got a mercury tooth filling. I DID NOT SLEEP WELL for 1 year. It was horrible. It made me awake and aware. It also started my ability to be me without certain earth ingredients. Anything toxic was noticed and I would react. Nature was my medicine chest. At 16 it became apparent that what was coming was starting then. Day and night became equal. Leverage allows you to do more with less. Milking each reality for it's maximum potential. I chose the Higher Good and the highest good of children, as my job. In high school I baked in a bakery and I lifeguarded at the beach. At college I got certified to teach swimming lessons and taught kids. I baked at the college for the thousand kids there delivering breakfast and the sweet and the bread. My dreams were real, and the truth they showed me, the way I would be able to live my life and create my reality came in dreamtime. The Naturopathic part came after the daughters showed up, a life of my dreams! Leverage your gifts, your hobbies, your passions and your dreams. The world looks for the balance of feminine and masculine, the moontime and the sunlight, used in the highest good now. Stand in the light - sun or moon, and tell us who you are and why you are ready, awake and alerted to the need. I dreamed of a barn full of potential and that is where you will find me. See ya there!!

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