Wednesday, December 27, 2023

How to see/sea in the dark

Look to the stars, they will guide you safely on your journey. Star beings are not in the movies, they are your kids, your neighbors, and you too. To be able to navigate in a world that is murky and thick you need to look above the gook. WHAT YOU FOCUS ON YOU WILL MANIFEST! Let there be a path to peace. Smoke your pipe with the tobacco of protection. Smudge your room with sage smoke of purity. Drink your pine tea and forgive the less, lack and loss you choose. And smell the sweetgrass that promises a future full of love! Seeing in the dark...only the owl, master of the darkness, can catch the falcon and only in that dark just before the dawn. Nature shows us the way. You are from the stars, you are here to be a star! Shine bright, the future is shining on you from above. All you have to do is see.

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