Thursday, December 21, 2023

12-21 The longest dark night

I love both Solstices. I bonfire with friends and family in nature with a million lightening bugs in the summer time. In the winter I celebrate as the light begins to return to my world at that mark in front of my fireplace. I am a day person. Up before the SUN, that way I can be there when she pokes her head over the horizon. I play the flute to celebrate her rise, and as soon as I can I go outside I play in the light. That is the life of a rancher. That is my best work. What will you celebrate in the leaving of the darkness. Take a moment to dream, to wish, to reconsider, EVERYTHING in your life. Health, happiness and horses, always my mantra, and adding in light, love and laughter with friends, family and clients, makes this new season of light full of promise. See you in the barn!!

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