Friday, March 31, 2023

Sun is your booster!

We need the warmth, the light, the D3 and the joy of being bare in nature. She knows us. We are hers to adore. Plants and animals and HUMANS need this booster. If you are sun deprived you will be moody, and depressed, and yes, even manic. The body will panic in the starvation of the sun. Just like sleep, the SUN is mandatory! Use aloe for the warm up, it has an SPF of 8. You would rarely need more, and if you do, ZINC is the block. DO NOT POUR toxic chemicals like sunscreen into or onto your body. YOU will have to deal with that eventually. I KNOW, I do it for a living I am constantly helping detox overloaded bodies. LIVING large and in the light and laughter of loving being in the world needs our SUN, and yes, MOON too will boost your dreams and your fertility. That story for another time. SEE YOU in the sun!

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