Saturday, March 18, 2023

Gardens and GATES?

As a child I was watched. There I learned. There was the garden of my youth right out the door. The gate was a part of that reality. We had horses, gates were important. In this reality I have two sets of gates, just in case! I taught my girls that the garden of their childhood was my responsibility, and they were safe there. There was love there, and the watchful eyes of their mom. There were 2 German shephards too. The new world we live in needs to remember these responsibilities. GARDENS and GATES are a wonderful way to start the teaching of a child. I want the kids to be safe on this planet. I want them to tend to the gardens of their own life. The music, the art, the yards, the home, the pets, the friends. BUT most importantly THE SELF FIRST! If it is uncomfortable tell me, come back in and close the gate. Use your words and tell the truth, the whole story, I will love you no matter what you tell me. We will set it straight in the safety of our world, where the garden of your youth, and the love you were raised with, raised YOU! SO THERE< I said it, the new school will be called-GARDENS AND GATES> Keep your eyes open and your ears tuned in. MORE on this to come.

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