Monday, May 21, 2018

I was a lifeguard

I love the water, I need it to balance my the fire signs of my personality. As a kid the swimming I did was essential to my childhood, so once I passed all the classes I became a lifeguard. It was OK for awhile, but turned out to be kind of boring. I wanted to be in the swim of it all, not above it, keeping vigil. So next I became a Water Safety Instructor. It turned out to be the best college class that Bemidji State offered to a character like me. It turned out that my life would use that skill over and over as the events that needed the trained instructor became a focus for my work here, and ultimately my job as a Naturopathic Doctor. Look to the clues of your youth, who and how you were, is key to what you will become. Sometimes that is a good thing, authentic and honest. I teach, and the swim of life presents those looking for instruction in adding more strokes to their reality. Thank you Universe for the choices and the chances we get. I love being in the SWIM of it!

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