Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Time to DANCE?

When was the last time you just got up and danced? It is a feeling larger than a song, it needs the whole body to rise and move!! I see those in my work who have stopped dancing. Some have even stopped walking, some stopped smiling, some stopped even thinking. Some came to assign blame. You are the source of your reality. It is time to get up and start again. Think, about the details of your daily existence. Your looks, your health, your diet, your home, your job, your friends, your relationships, your habits and your involvement in the whole of that. Start there. See those who you surround yourself with. Nice is nice, kind is kind, generous is generous, light is light, and no one can block it! It comes from within. You are the source. Feed the fire of your dancing light. DO YOU, doing YOU! If it makes you smile, or feel proud, or lifts you from your chair, or sofa, or bed. Then DO IT AGAIN! Time to dance, there is no future, no past, just now! So dance as if no one is watching, and see who shows up to dance with you! It is time.

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