Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Old Lady and the Earrings

I gave a gift of earrings to an old lady. I asked her if she would like to try them on. She said she could not do it herself. I asked if she would like my help, and she said yes to my face. So I did. I give earrings as gifts a lot. Normally though, only to those who love them and say so. This time it was my love and my pleasure to gift these lovely earrings. Not her request. Later I was told she was deeply offended by my gift and the delivery that gift. I had over stepped my bounds. As a Double Sagittarius I have a lot of enthusiasm. I have learned to curtail it in some situations. Yet not in the gifting department. I still love to share the beautiful things in life and wrongly assume others do too. I learned that lesson finally this time, and now I will never do that again. Be careful what you offer, make sure it is welcomed. Look in to their eyes for the truth, words can be deceptive. If there is any chance you are over stepping, step back. I should have done that, that is how my horses have taught me to be, and somehow I forgot for a moment. So to the Old Lady, I say I am so sorry, and I will never make that mistake again. WOW, sometimes it is the tough love of another that changes the game all together, but learning is the name of this game. And this lesson I learned well.

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