Monday, February 27, 2017

The Sacred Circle

You are the circle, the egg if you will. Your life force is energetic and it radiates. You look like a ball of fire when you are a ball of fire. You look blue, when you are blue. Your bright smile and bright eyes are amplified by your aura. Your dim energy is also seen when it is turned down. I see that lack of light in dying animals and people. Their light dims, they lose their sparkle. The way to up it is to breath in love and stand in light. And then to believe. Whatever you think, you think. Whatever you say, you create and become. If that creationist that you are, is conjuring up negatives, in any way, that is what will manifest. Set yourself within your circle, and allow the sacred to be you. You are a rare, one of a kind human. Knowing that the gift is youand that it is precious and sacred helps. When you feel good about you, believing you are worth it, then you can add me into your sacred circle. As we open to receive, because we believe, these sacred circles will take over. Our bodies, our lives, our world and our creations depend on this knowing and showing. It is a big job, and we up to the task now, sacred as it is. Please, we need all that we can get to get our world back into order, balance and harmony. It is a sacred place.

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