Friday, March 20, 2009


This is a heartfelt thank you to those who have rallied for our support. We have been blessed with such beautiful friends!!

As this plays itself out, let's all remember that life here is just a play. The characters who need the attention by dishonoring and disgracing others are in their own dramas altogether. We can choose to over- react or to overlight with love, we choose love here. The suicide description in Louise Hay's book says that that person sees things only in black or white and refuses to see another way out. We know the supposed victims in life will always try to find another to blame. Never looking inward or taking responsibility for their own stuff. Trying to damage other's lives along the way. This only incurs massive karma. I honour those people as lesson learners of the highest pain. Media's spin doctors, war, child abuse, politics, religion, regulations, manipulating others for their own personal gain, to name just a few, are each persons own choice, there are no victims here, their never were or EVER WILL BE. Attention mongers yes, victims no. Freewill IS the name of the game, use it. I will use my freewill to defend children, my personal beliefs, experiences and education, and only those who honour me will be attracted to my space.

We need the love and support of those who walk this road. The awakening is now and many of you are willing to take total responsibility for your own lives and all that you have and do. You are the Ones we have been waiting for. The rest will find their way eventually. Do not give in, we are not giving in. We have been dishonored and we will fight!!!! Our freedoms and your's to be who and what you are in love and light are on the line here. We need to hear from you, the few have blamed others for so much, taking out their frustrations and limitations on us, let's stop looking outside of the self and look within and own our own shit! No one has the right to walk into your life and make false claims and outright lies and fabrications to drum up sympathy for a self-proclaimed master victim, nor do the jackals of the news media have the right to publish it without even the most minimal foundation! It only puts shame on them.

We will be fine, actually even better for this, as life gives challenges it only creates opportunities, we will use this opportunity for the most benevolent outcome for all. Namaste' Dr. Su and Tim

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