Saturday, March 14, 2009


As I move through the motions of the waves of my life I always try to celebrate the ride, it is the way I choose to live now. I have learned alot from the lessons of my life and all the ups and downs, but most importantly, I am learning grace. The falls and shortfalls are part of the experience, the learning to handle them gracefully, is key now.

So today I offer simply this, the road to peace and health and fulfillment is to find it within. Respecting all schools of thought as chosen is a big part of that way now for me. I used to get up in arms about the choices some people made as I felt the harm in some way. Now I realize the only harm to me is in not honoring the journey of each individual.

You may hear me on the radio or in my office answering questions about subjects in the health and wellness field, or emotional work, or spiritual development, I want you to know the only answers I give are those that pertain to me. Many want to know what I know and have learned, while many others do not. Boy it took me a long time not to be offended.

Respecting one's path, their life lessons, affords me my own self respect and all that it gives me. I know when interviewed at the end of this lifetime I will sincerely say, I honored myself, my life, my choices and my mistakes as a part of the great Earth Experiment and in that, I started to honour the choices of others as well, although commonly I found them everything from distasteful to destructive.

Today, honour yourself!!! Love your choices, live your passion and forget about everyone else (except your kids, that never goes away!!) and celebrate the chance you get each day with the dawn of the new day!

I honour you all, Namaste'

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